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Active projects have the name of the co-ordinator attached as an e-mail link or are high lighted in red. If you want to coordinate one of these or start one not listed here, please contact Don Hayward to have the project included on the list. We are eager to discuss approaches and methods for projects, and always happy to just chat. Anyone wishing to become involved in an active project should contact its co-ordinator. On the main page we have listed links to other active projects in the area. While we are not involved in any of these, we encourage anyone interrested to contact the appropriate people. Many professional and professionally co-ordinated efforts are to be found in our area with some seeking volunteers. The following list is by no means complete as the types of projects are limited only by our curiosity.

  1. Single species analysis (plant,mammal, bird, insect, reptile, fish).
    1. Ruffed Grouse
    2. Elm tree... Don Hayward
    3. Frog Watch Ontario ... Ecological Monitoring & Assessment Network
  2. Observed species data base. Coordinator: Don Hayward.
  3. Impact of weather factors upon trees.
  4. Species sample collection. (preserved)
  5. Species sample garden (living library).
  6. Site analysis. (plot, wood lot, fence row, wetland, etc)
  7. Stream analysis. (physical characteristics, water quality, biology)
  8. Road right of ways (road spray, wind breaks, etc)
  9. Wetland distribution (mapping etc)
  10. Vegetation related to soil moisture.
  11. Soil types (verify existing maps)
  12. Bird watching.
  13. Watershed boundry delineation. (Verify or correct existing maps)
  14. Woodland distribution.
  15. Weather stations.
  16. Abandoned field evolution.
  17. Tree plantation evolution.
  18. Road kill counts.
  19. Windblown seed dispersion.
  20. "Mother tree" studies.
  21. List your project here