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The history of the town, High Falls, that Don Hayward grew up in. The town began as a construction site in 1904 and evolved through a mature hamlet of fifteen families. International Nickel Company, INCO, owned the town and it began to reduce the houses until the final inhabitant left in 1986.

The place still exists as a hydro-electric generating site, now owned by VALE who bought INCO.

Paperback only: ISBN 978-1-7752459-6-4

$40.00 CDN plus shipping

Echo of the Whip-poor-will


This is a personal vignette of some of my life in High Falls up to about Grade 10. At that age, High Falls changed from being my world to become my sometime refuge as more of my life was focused on the outside, high school and university. In later life, it has become my refuge of memory, my spiritual place that anchors while waiting to be called into the safe harbour. This is a letter to my family that perhaps others associated with High Falls might appreciate. I have added a fictionalized drama to the work to keep it from becoming a mere laundry list of some of my memories. High Falls had disappeared as a town by 1980.

E-book available at and Kindle

Paperback ISBN 978-1-7752459-1-9                                                             $15.00 CAD + shipping